
Students on Stage: Narratives and Dynamics of School Performance

Students on Stage: Narratives and Dynamics of School Performance

This study explores the multifaceted dynamics of school performances. It advocates the role of dramatic experiences particularly in developing communication skills, talent discovery, and encouraging creativity among students for self-discovery, self-expression, and self-esteem. the study examines two performances comprising drama, dance, and music in private primary schools in order to give practical insights into the transformative potential of school productions to students who took part in these avant-garde productions. It further analyzes the engagements, interfaces, and endeavors of students, trainers, and proprietors during preparation and production and reflections after production. The study also highlights tilts to the chronology of performances in the two identified schools in focus and ways to creatively maneuver without drifting from the nucleus of performances. The study's outcome sets the pace for future research directions and pedagogical practices of performance within the school system.

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